
My brother and a co-worker of mine both have tonsiloliths. Literally, “tonsil stones” and sometimes referred to, so pleasantly, as “throat scabs” these nasties are actually just whitish balls of accumulated goo that form around food particles and bacteria rather like a pearl does around a grain of sand. They live tucked away in the tonsil cavity, occasionally peeking out to say hello and cause a little halitosis. Oh, they also are without question the stinkiest things I have ever smelled produced from a living human body.

If they are ready you can pop them out and dispose of them. I’ve had the unfortunate privilege of witnessing both my co-worker and my brother do this. The funny thing is that they both thought they were uniquely afflicted with these mouth-born stinkbombs and were either too embarrassed or too unconcerned ever to wonder if it were a documented condition. Of course, it is. Googling around a bit with descriptive keywords it is easy to find forums devoted solely to people happy to be in the company of other tonsilolith-producers.

Having witnessed all this, I consider myself a second-hand tonsilolith sufferer. At present, there are no online communities devoted to this topic.

153 Responses to “Tonsiloliths”

  1. lerenity says :

    Hello…wow thank you so much for putting this on the web! i have had this embarrassing little problem for about a year now and have had no idea what to think about it! thanks again, take care

  2. Anonymous says :

    I just found out I had this problem but how do I get rid of it???

  3. thw White Witch says :

    I coughed up one of these for the first time today.
    Unlike all those people that had and never wondered what it was, I freaked and went through all the possibilities.
    Thank google for google hey?
    Quick Fix: Gargle warm salty water after every meal. If you smoke and cannot give up rinse after every smoke also. I think the main thing is to keep your mouth clean and stay healthy.
    Why You? Why Me? – People with flu or hayfever symptoms (like me) and also people with fillings that need replacing seem to get it. If it is a long term problem it is probably more likely to be a dental problem rather than respiratory. I think…
    Yeah thanks for the info and gags!
    from Glenda

  4. Debbie says :

    I have had these things for years. Doc always told me those little white balls were decaying food, but I disagree. Many years ago I figured out how to squeeze them out, but it helps eliminate my bad breath. I just wish I had the nerve to tell my best friend that she has bad breath.

  5. Bad Wite balls says :

    Listerine make mine explode out of my head. Mine come and go with periods of inactiveness of a year at times. I have had them ever since i can remember. I enjoy truing the toothbrush around and using the back in to pop my stinky tonsil pimples, until the bleed and make me gag. I hope i don’t swallow the tooth brush one of these days.

  6. Kelly says :

    By the way you all have mis-information on tonsiloliths. they are formed from post nasal drip that condenses and form concentrated amounts of bacteia in the pockets of you tonsils. Regular mouthwashes with Alcohol don’t do good and can only make it worse by drying out the mouth tissues. You need to use oxygenated mouth preperations, and work at also scraping your tongues too too get rid of sulfur causing bacteria on the tongue which also leads to the bacterial build up in the tonsils. Therabreath products are good and are carried at some Walmarts,that is how I found the stuff and it works great. You have to be faithful and use the mouth rinse and toothpaste together with the tongue scapper too , or you won’t get the proper benefits. Thereabreath is also on the internet, but it is actually cheaper to just buy the stuff at Walmart. Good Luck everyone!!!!

    • KC says :

      Talk about misinformation! Jeez… Tonsiloliths do NOT have a definitive, singular cause. They CANNOT be “cured” by anything short of cryptolysis (closing up of those pocks in the tonsils where these buggers form) or tonsillectomy. I don’t care if you gargle with Wal*Mart’s finest bleach, the Therabreath just masks the odor for a while & if you have/had these tonsiloliths unless you do either of the aforementioned surgical treatments, you will have them develop again. You can try to treat them by using clean, sterile instruments or go rogue & use Q-tips or your fingers to push on the tonsil to eject them out & be rid of them. Using a water-pik is also another great way to clean out those caverns & help loosen & eject ones set in deep. If it’s a chronic problem, your doctor can send you to an ear, nose & throat (ENT) specialist & then you can find out what is best to be done to help you.

  7. Christy says :

    Here’s an interesting twist…
    I noticed when I started taking ginseng capsules that not only did these things start coming up like crazy, but they also changed color and consistency…more green, more chalky! Lately I’ve been drinking a green tea with ginseng and they are coming back again; I can feel one right now, which is why I came online to hopefully find a cure besides a tonsillectomy. I wonder if these little monsters aren’t a bit more internal than accumulated food and bacteria. Why do some of us get them while others do not? What is with ginseng that it brings them up?

  8. Cheddardoc says :

    First GENTLY pick the little bastards out of the crater with a toothpick or pencil. You’ll need a medicine dropper. The longer the better. You’ll also need a little hand mirror. Fill the dropper with water. Insert the tip of the Dropper into the crater after you have removed the little booger, or as much of it as you can. Squeeze the tip of the dropper to release the water into the crater. Do this several times to flush out the craters. Then empty the dropper. Squeeze the rubber tip, insert into the craters, and then slowly release the rubber tip, causing left over debris & bacteria in the crater to be sucked into the dropper. Rinse out the dropper and repeat as necessary. FINALLY: gargle with Tri-Oral. Great friggin 2-part mouthwash ($25/set). Ordered in from QVC. The more you do this, the less often the debris piles up in the craters. Trust me, you’ll thank me. Pick/Flush/Suck/Swish regularly.

  9. Sharon says :

    Had this problem for many years. Caused a lot of selconciousness I can tell you! Thought it was only me who had this, never knew a name existed until today. Had tonsillitis monthly since last October and now awaiting tonsillectomy….ouch

  10. Anonymous says :

    Suffered this for many years now and has caused a lot of selconsciousness I can tell you. Never knew such a thing existed until today. Have found no cure but some times a clean sharp object can dislodge.

  11. Tony says :

    I had chronic tonsilitis and strep throat for my whole life and starting getting these “stones” when I was about 25. My breath was so bad I couldn’t take it anymore, I went to a doctor and demanded he take my tonsils out. I had them out 2 weeks later. It hurt really bad for like 2 weeks but well worth it, I haven’t been sick in 6 years since, not one single illness and breath is perfect since. I strongly suggest just getting the tonsils removed.

  12. Justin says :

    I had this problem for a year along with consistent strep throat. I decided to go ahead and get the tonsils removed, and it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made!

  13. Toni says :

    I only get these when I drink any form of tea-iced or warm. Otherwise, I never see them.

  14. Michelle says :

    So glad I found this site, I never knew anyone else experienced this problem. I use a small flashlight to illuminate the back of my throat- that way you can see them better. Then I dislodge them using a q-tip.

  15. adrian says :

    I was about 28 when I first noticed these gross things, and I thought I was the only one. Went to the doc. and he informed me there are tons of people with them and the only permanent solution was to remove the tonsils. I didn’t want to do that, and waited three years ’til I went back to the doc. and told him to take them out. Operation was painful, and slow healing, but I don’t miss those nasty things at all! Now my daughter has them, age 8, and will be having hers out in a month.
    It’s much better than trying to pick them out, rinsing, flushing, etc. Put the people close to you out of their misery of smelling your breath and take the tonsils out.
    Good luck to everyone!

  16. Glenn says :

    Use the opposite end of a toothbrush ( it’s not sharp ) and a bright flashlight to dislodge tonsiloliths. Do this at a mirror in a dark bathroom for better visibility. Enjoy !

  17. Marc says :

    I wonder if these smelly boogers are diet-related? I have made a very loose connection between having a less healthy diet and these tonsiloliths showing up. It may be coincidence. I found the back of a narrow long-handled teaspoon is great for t-lith removal.

  18. Brittany says :

    i had these! we went to a doctor and basically the doctor said you can either live with it for the rest of your life (the wont go away) or you can get your tonsils out. well, i got my tonsils out yesterday. its not all that bad at all.. sore.. but thats all. and now the little stinky balls are gone. id highly suggest you just get your tonsils taken out. no more stinky breath and as much ice cream as you want. and getting your tonsils out is only a day surgery. go in in the morning. leave in the afternoon

  19. Sherl says :

    Well, after many years of picking these stinkies from my throat I finally know what they are. Thanks very much. I read about it on the Therabreath site and then did a follo-up search on Google.

  20. Dane says :

    I have had a sore red throat for about two weeks now.I first noticed my tonsils with a white spot on them, after taking my tonge and rubbing them, this stone fell out. I was so scared of cancer! But now after reading these postings, I guess I need to get the Dr and see about getting my tonsils out.

  21. Dane says :

    oh yeah… these things stink very bad and is why my husband has probably not wanted to get very close lately….They have a very foul smell like poop.

  22. Jackyll says :

    i don’t know if this is the same thing but sometimes i feel my tonsils swelling and swallowing anything gets really painful. i look in the mirror and see white “goo” at the back of my throat. i use cutips to “scoop” them out, and after that, my throat feels better. but it comes back not long after. and yes my breath is awfully stinky sometimes, especially wen i wake up… does anyone have any suggestions? should i get my tonsils removed?

  23. JR says :

    I’ve had my tonsils removed and I still have them.

  24. Justin says :

    Dane, it just sounds like you have post-nasal drip, so I don’t think getting your tonsils out will help. But look up post-nasal drip and you’ll probably find some answers. As for me, I’ve had these tonsil stones for years. Using a flashlight, I just reach back with my index finger and pull the whole membrane to the side and it typically causes a bunch of these stones to be exposed and come out much more easily. Sometimes I get 5-6 of them out at once on each side. But of course, they are back again within a week or so. I have paid close attention to their occurrences and I DEFINITELY believe they are food related. In fact, when I was on the Atkins diet for 6 months, these things were practically GONE… so I really think it had to do with breads and pastas, because when you swallow those types of foods, little tiny peices get mushed against your tonsils, and get inside. Once in, they grow bacteria (that stink, as you know) and turn into the stones. HOWEVER, in reading about these things on the web (and looking at my own tonsils over the years) I do believe it is bad to ‘pick them out’ yourself. Personally my tonsils have become misshapen and I think it has caused the crevices to actually become bigger, which now allows for more of these stones to occur. Recently I’ve heard that Gentian Violet is a possible cure, as it is designed to help with fungus in the mucous membranes (hey its worth a shot, I haven’t tried it yet). Other than that I have seriously considered getting my tonsils out, as I believe that me picking at them to remove the stones is causing more harm than good over the years. Typically I’m into more homeopathic stuff though and don’t advocate getting extra parts removed. For those of you who struggle with bad breath, I used to have this problem and believe it or not its not too closely related to the tonsil stones… instead it is probably sulfer bacteria on your tongue. I used to have it pretty bad and I started using CloSys II mouth rinse and it works AWESOME – it literally re-arranges sulfer molecules from sulfites to sulfates (or vice versa, I forget) and basically it neutralizes them. You used to have to order CloSys II on the web, but now I find it at Walgreens (not CVS though, sorry). It is expensive, but it really works, and it takes away that acidic feeling in your mouth too. The best part is, it tastes like water, no flavor at all! Anyway, I hope this is helpful to everyone, as its obviously a problem that Doctor’s haven’t chosen to deal with, besides telling people to get their tonsils out.

  25. Eric W. says :

    If you’ve already had a tonsillectomy and still have halitosis problems that you feel may be related to these “liths” or stones, they may be residing or collecting inan area of the posterior pharynx lower down called the valecula, for which there is no surgical option. Discuss this with your ENT

  26. Angelina says :

    Wow! This has been happening to me for years and I have never even researched it until now. It’s so disgusting and my husband hates it! The weird thing is that i never have had to pick them out. I can actually smell RIGHT when one is poking out of my tonsil and I actually have to hack it out! Its pretty disgusting but it works everytime. And my breath never smells. But i do think that I will try some of that wash/rinse.

  27. Justin says :

    Justin here again. A funny thing happened… I got sick with the flu that eventually turned into bronchitis a few weeks ago. My doctor put me on a 5 day z pack regimen, then after about 10 days I was still coughing and he wanted me to try Rhinocort nose spray, because he believed that my post-nasal drip was causing a tickle in my throat that made me cough, which it was. But the funny thing is, I have had no signs of the tonsil stones since I was on the z pack or the nose spray, about 3 weeks total now which is a long time for me. I’m not into taking medication, especially for long term use, however I really do think that my post-nasal drip was a big factor in the tonsil stones. With the nose spray, I have no post-nasal drip, and no stones. I’m going to see if I can find a natural rememdy of course that will work as well. I’ll keep everyone posted.

  28. Yukk Mouth says :

    Jeez, to think I thought this was a unique condition to me. Thank you fellow posters–I’m not alone. I gagged up this nasty crap at work, (about 6 soft stones) absolutely disgusting. That was the straw that broke the camels back for me, that is how I ran across the term “Tonsiloliths” Smells like death–the smell alone can make you gag. The way I have been dealing with these thus far is by doing a reverse swallowing technique. Pretend you have not swallowed a piece of gum fully, and then try to dislodge the gum back into your mouth. This is done with the throat muscles, no fingers, toothbrushes, spoons, etc,. I certainly have post nasal drip, this has to be the connection of the formation. Perhaps if we can eliminate the cause (post nasal drip) we can avoid the treatment of tonsil removal or having to deal with the manual removal of these disgusting plaque formations that should not be associated with being human. I am going to do some research on eliminating post nasal drip. Good Luck

  29. John says :

    Hello everyone, just wanted to add some encouragement on the non surgical side of things. I have had symptoms of tonsilloliths, but haven discovered them until recently. I am not a fan of surgical means unless necessary due to the inherant risks, However the toxins present have been linked to heart disease (Assuming these are the sametoxins present in palque and dental decay), The biggest killer in North America for adults. Here is what has worked for me. 1. Watch diet, A well rounded diet is important, but try to stay away from an excess of yeasts, sugar and dairy. If you are allergic to dairy or any other food, STAY AWAY! 2. Be thorough in removing the stones initially, this can be painful and tedious so you don’t want to do it often. Use warm liquids such as tea and take your time. 3. Purchase a dental syringe with a slightely curved 4-5cm tip and make sure there are no sharp points or burrs present. Irrigate your tonsils (particularly the deep crevases) with warm saline solution. I did this for about three weeks daily and it seems to have restored healthy less stinky mucus to the area. 4. Irrigate periodically and use a tounge scraper in conjunction with an oxygenating mouthwash. I have not seen a reoccurance however I would expect one during infection or times of high stress or poor diet. I took this as a warning to change diet and it has positively impacted almost every aspect of my life, But costs more money. This approach will not work for everyone and it does require a routine of maintenance about twice a month, But I consider that a better alternative to surgery.

    • KC says :

      Please, I know you mean well, but scare tactics are NOT helpful for tonsiloliths! They are NOT toxic in the same way as tooth decay & plaque. Believe me, I have an auto-immune disease & had developed endocarditis due to bad teeth. The advice to stay away from anything aside from celery & tofu (the avoidance of “evil” yeast, sugar, dairy, gluten & so forth does NOT do diddly-doo-dah to prevent tonsiloliths) is unnecessary. If you have “holes” or “caverns” in your tonsils, you will develop tonsiloliths. A good ENT doc will heartily admit that even with years of research, there is NO known, absolute cause but gargling with warm salt water & a good mouth wash, such as Listerine twice daily can help dislodge & prevent tonsiloliths from forming. If your tonsils are just shot from repeated infection & have multiple & large “caverns” that make for chronic development of tonsiloliths, you can get a procedure called cryptolysis performed to help seal them, or if you & your doctor agree that your tonsils are ruined completely & aren’t helping to prevent such illnesses as the common cold from heading south & invading your lungs, a tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils) may be needed.

  30. Stacey says :

    yep! discusting little critters!I never used to get them untill i suffered from chronic Tonsilitis a few years ago. haven’t had it in nearly 1 year! Touch wood.But i still get the stones!
    My tonsils used to look normal untill then. Now they look HUGE all the time with great big craters – even when i don’t have a sore throat! and now i get those sick little bastards breeding in them! SICK!
    I just use the opposite end of the Toothbrush to kind of “push” them out. I thought i was just a weirdo when i discovered them!But now i know there is alot of us out there! haha. i’m in Australia by the way so there is no Walmart…. wateva that is anyway!

  31. Steph says :

    Omg. I have this too. When i told my mom about it she made me think it was my body gettin rid of fats in my diet. She said I ate too greasy… I believed her but when asking my friends if they had this problem, neither of them did. Therefore I concluded it had to be something else and after about a year later decided to look it up. How gross!! I’m always afraid to swallow them! What happens then? They ussually come out on their own but eating habits might have something to do with it… That’s why i believed my mom before, cuz everytime I ate healthy, they occurred less often…

  32. cindy says :

    Wow, this comment section has been such a consolation for me. I have had persistent bad breath…very offensive for about 4 yrs. and thought it was from decay in my teeth which I just recently finished all the work in my mouth but I still have halitosis. Lately I have been feeling a lump in my throat with constant post nasal drip and terrible allergies. I also have been getting those nasty white, cauliflower looking, foul-smelling particles coming up from my throat and just recently figured out what they are.
    This has been a very discouraging time in my life because I am still young at 34 and a very attractive blonde but with bad breath. And I want to eradicate this problem if I am ever to get a boyfriend or have a social life. The hardest part has been that when I ask people if I have bad breath, they don’t tell me the truth because they lack the courage to be honest but the tell-tale signs are there…….they immediately pull away, get real nervous, twitch their nose, hold their hand over their mouth, offer me a mint or gum or they start carrying gum and mints frantically. I guess if you are a generally caring person by nature and dispostion, you will tell someone the truth because they need to address the problem immediately and both of you will feel better that you did something good for another person.

  33. Peter says :

    Hey Justin, had any luck with getting rid of post nasal drip? I’d be grateful if you could share your findings.

  34. Peter says :

    Cindy, Steph – I am a young man (24) who suffers from this same confidence crushing condition, I know what you are going through. I have suffered with depression because of the awkward situations I continue to find myself in; job interviews, nights out socialising, but worst of all relationships – I just can’t form them. I am an athletic, attractive guy and often have women approach me but as soon as I start to talk they leave politely (I know it’s not down to my conversation!) – (most people just have to brush their teeth to enjoy fresh breath, how they take that for granted!) Having tried all manner of tongue scrapers & gels (I suffer with post nasal drip too, just for good measure!), mouthwashes and restrictive diets all to no avail, I feel that a tonsilectomy is my last shot at leading a normal life (although doctors aren’t too keen on performing them here in the UK for some reason). If anyone would like to chat about this problem please do – it is encouraging to know that I’m not the only one! Perhaps if we all pool our ideas and experiences, we can find a cure for this dreadful, socially restrictive problem.

  35. Bleh says :

    I have had these little white stinky things in the back of my throat since I can remember (24 now)The only time I didn’t get them is when I was pregnant. I figure taking a vitamin helps with this, as I was taking a prenatal vitamin during that time. I haven’t started taking a vitamin since then but I’m going to start again and see if that helps. Let you all know.

  36. Laura says :

    I have them too.
    Actually I just woke up this morning and my throat felt as if something was stuck in it..and it wouldn’t go away all day so when I got home I looked into the mirror and saw a white thing in the back of my throat. Disgusting.
    But how do you all get it out without nearly puking?! I’m not sure how to reach back there and get it out.. it’s really bothering me.

  37. gina says :

    I too have been getting this throat stink bombs since as long as I can remember. I can smell them right away and I hurry to get a toothpick to get rid of them. Since mines have been ongoing for at least 15 years, my bombs are huge.I always feel better once they are out. The Therabreath system has REALLY worked. Along with gargling twice a week with peroxide and a couple night with hot salt water. Dairy products make them FLARE up. Im too cute to be doing all this crap for these stinky creatures, so I will just have my tonsils removed

  38. Kevin Orell says :

    I am in my friend’s room right now and he is poppin his stones out of his throat. After finding out what he was doing I fugred out I have them too sometimes! Those stinky little buggers are so fun to smell if they are your own, but I cant STAND anyone else’s brand, YUCk!

  39. paul says :

    i’m going off my father’s insurance in a couple weeks, and I currently am not employed..
    Is a tonsilectomy an option for me? To those who have had their tonsils removed, how much did it cost you (or your insurance)??

  40. cindy says :

    Hi Peter,
    It sure is nice to know that there are quite a few people who suffer with chronic halitosis. Thanks for the encouragement……..and you are absolutely correct in saying, “confidence crushing condition”. That’s exactly how I feel. In my early twenties and before I turned 30, I didn’t have a problem with this and I had plenty of confidence and lots of people who wanted to be around me, but this problem has shattered my confidence greatly. The hardest part though has been that when I ask even those closest to me if I have bad breath, they say no, but I know it can be very difficult to tell someone the truth, especially if their breath is very offensive. They probally feel real sorry for me. But I don’t want their pity, what I want is for them to just tell me the truth so I can fix the problem. But like I said the tell-tail signs are there…….twitching noses, quickly walking away and getting extremely nervous. I am going to visit an ENT and see if they have one of those breath meters and also get a throat culture done and I am also going to try the Therabreath remedies……oxygenated tablets and nasal spray….hopefully that will work because a tonsilectomy will be my last resort.
    Maybe they have a bad-breath club? Imagine that…..wouldn’t that be funny! Oh and by the way, I work in healthcare, so I am in people’s faces all the time. I feel sorry for them if indeed my breath can be smelled from across the room. Life is really untolerable until this problem is fixed.

  41. sheri says :

    This is the funniest thing…I had them for a few years and was finally diagnosed at boot camp of all places. After going to the doctor’s b/c of a soar throat the doctor asked me if I had bad breath often. I was so embarrassed but said yes I am at boot camp who cares. He described the craters in my tonsils trapped food in them and then the food fermented causing bad breath and the white things. I happened to mention it to a friend one day at work who started laughing. We laughed for a good 20 minutes before she was able to say she had them too. It’s always funny when you think you’re the only one but then you find out your not! Reading the comments had me laughing so hard b/c words can not describe how disgusting those white things smell. Why do we smell them in the first place? And every time one comes out we smell it. I find I get them when I eat oatmeal or things high in sugar…lol I guess the world may never know why but I think I will tell my doctor that i should have my tonsils out but I am so scared of the pain. For those of you who had your tonsils out did it cure the bad breath?

  42. Chris says :

    Hi Peter,
    I am 25 year old from the UK too.You couldent be more right about bad breath being a confidence crushing condition-I have struggled with my breath for a few years now and I have gone from being an outgoing, social person to more and more reclusive.I find myself shrinking away from any situations that I have to speak to people close up and I hate having to feel this way.What I wouldent give to be one of those people who can get away with a quick brush of the teeth and be minty fresh all day!
    It has been really helpfull to read your post (and all the others) because I feel like I am not alone.I have tried mouthwashes, tongue gels, sprays..even imported a mouthwash from America once.My ex signed for it once when I went out..EMBARASSING! lol. But nothing has worked.I didnt even know that the smelly ‘stones’ I cough up regularly are called tonsils stones until tonight and I think they are the cause of my problem.Have you not found any Uk products that work either?
    Have you visited your gp already? If so what have you been told? I am considering doing the same.

  43. Peter says :

    Maintain hope in getting over this, I know that the prospect of living a normal life and enjoying a personal relationship again is what keeps me motivated – without hope I’d probably end up being a recluse! I’d be very interested to hear how you progress with the Therabreath treatment, I have considered using it but the price of importing it into UK has put me off, also there seems to be a bewildering amount of products on offer and I was unsure of which ones to try – having said that, if it works I’d sooner be a little poorer but enjoying normal breath! My next move will be to see an ENT too – it will be interesting to report on the US and UK ENT perspectives on this problem. Good luck with finding a non-surgical cure.
    Remember all the other people with this problem when it gets you down – we should hold a bad breath AGM, or form ‘Bad Breath Anonymous’ groups!
    I’m pleased you have found this blog useful, as I have too, it’s good just to discuss the problem with fellow sufferers – I find trying to talk about it with family/friends most unproductive as they just never acknowledge the problem out of sympathy/embarrassment etc.
    I have found no products which have made a marked impression on the condition as yet (I do clean my tongue and irrigate the tonsils twice daily which seems to at least make my breath unpleasant rather than abhorrent!, but as for close up conversations, forget it – I have been drained of any confidence I once possesed) – I think my problem (aside from having the most toxic and constantly infected tonsils!) stems from an over-production of mucus which is exacerbated by exercise (which is even more of a problem seeing as I’m a fitness freak).
    I have been to see my GP about the problem and they prescribed nasal sprays to inhibit the mucus production. I have used them religiousley for three months as instructed and have seen zero improvement. I intend to get a referral to see an ENT specialist as the GP’s perspective seemed very limited and they were reluctant to accept the psychological impact bad breath has had on my life. I hope your GP is more understanding – please keep us all posted.
    Any experiences people can share on this subject are most appreciated – the more unbiased information available the better in helping us all to make informed decisions regarding appropriate treatment. (Reading websites which are trying to sell bad breath remedies frustrates me intensely, as I feel one could spend thousands on promised ‘miracle cures’ and get no further forward).

  44. cindy says :

    Hey Peter……
    I found it interesting that you said to Chris that you had an over-production of mucus exacerbated by exercise………I too exercise as well and have been for 12 years. I am a runner and run about 10-12 miles 4-5 days a week. I also used to teach aerobics and personal train. I have constant mucus and post-nasal drip and nasal congestion due to constant allergies and it seems to have gotten worse through the years. I also suffer from dry mouth which is probally due to over-exercise. But you’re right that many products just do not work and it is a waste of money. I had my dentist prescribed peridex mouthwash and that causes your teeth to change color a little bit and it greatly effects your taste. I also tried gargling with warm salt water but to avail. I think a tonsilectomy is my only resort.
    I don’t know how much getting your tonsils out would be, but I only imagine it’s not cheap because it requires hospital stay especially if you are older. Sometimes the bleeding can be hard to stop, so they have to make sure your body forms clots there.

  45. Peter says :

    Hey Cindy,
    You must be in really good shape! That’s a pretty serious training regime, I tend to do 5-6 mile runs every other day along with circuit training 4 nights a week and sometimes a longer run of around 12 miles at the weekend. Your symptoms mirror mine completely – when running I feel the need to constantly spit, I also suffer from allergies – particularly hayfever during the summer, which speeds up the mucus production to absurd levels. I was prescribed a similarly harsh mouthwash (the active ingredient of which was chlorhexidine digluconate) which turned my tongue black and my teeth brown (as if my self esteem needed any more punishment!), and made no difference whatsoever to the malodourous breath.
    The more research I do into our shared affliction, the more I am inclined to think that along with a tonsilectomy effective treatment of the post nasal drip is vital in returning to normal breath. Whilst removing the tonsils will rid the tonsiloliths of their hiding place, bacteria will continue to break down the proteins from mucus on the back of the tongue. I really don’t want to spend the rest of my life gelling, scraping and brushing my tongue every day – it seems so abnormal, how on earth do you explain it to a partner? “well dear, I’ve got to spend 30 minutes every morning and night making myself gag with strange instruments and potions so that my mouth doesn’t smell like a sewer…”
    I’m gonna go hassle my G.P. for that ENT referral.

  46. Scott says :

    I’ve lived with these for the better part of my life (I’m 35 now) and I have to say I’m actually thinking about having my tonsils removed just to stop them. I’m so glad to not be alone. P.S. Cindy, if you ever need a date I single 😛

  47. paul says :

    even when there is no tonsil stone, brushing a cotton swab into the ‘crypt’ exposes the horrible smell and bacteria that must be going on in there..
    I’m not certain this is the cause of my bad breath, but whatever’s going on in that crypt can’t be helping my mouth!

  48. anon says :

    People treat you like shit when your breath smells and then they lie like hell when you ask them if your breath smells. Pardon me for not being perfect. We all have shit flaws, everyone of us and people act so shallow when you don’t have it all together. This world is filled with a bunch a selfish ass-holes who don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves.

  49. anon says :

    Those people who say nasty shit behind your back and show no compassion on you because you have bad breath have stinky shit in their own lives, it just doesn’t come from their mouths………….it comes from their ass-holes. Their lives are just as fucked up as someone who has bad breath.
    Bottom line……..we are all fucked up……no one is perfect so don’t let anyone make you feel inferior to them just because your breath stinks. The only difference is your sticky shit is out in the open whereas their’s is in their closet that no one knows about but them. And when God looks at the human race we all stick like shit….period!!

  50. paul says :

    it’s hard to blame others though.. have you ever been in the presence of someone’s breath who you just couldn’t stand? even if you know they can’t help it, it certainly isn’t pleasant, and it distracts you enough to ruin your conversation
    I don’t blame others.. I’m just waiting for a cure so all the miserable people who have BB can go out and live normal lives..

  51. Angie says :

    I am an 18 year old high school student, I am sick of having these all the time!!! I have had bad breath no matter what and a sore throat for months now. It is very bothersome. I also have these stones. I have never picked them out or anything but i cough them out and they smell so bad. I am misserable because of this. i Hate having a sore throat everyday. It is making me so miserable. If i had my tonsils removed would this make it go away? I am honestly ready to try anything!thank you everyone, any advice would be wonderful

  52. paul says :

    angie, i’ve found some relief and compassion in
    If there has ever been a product for halitosis (bad breath) the people on this forum have tried it.. Even if your bad breath isn’t that bad, there is a lot of information here, perhaps the key to solving YOUR problem..
    Right now we are all awaiting a special formula of Lavois (a mouth wash) that was used in ’86. One member has been in touch with someone from Lavoris concerning this for quite some time, and it looks like this miracle cure (for him anyway) will soon be available for the rest of us to try. This formula is being brought back to life because of the persistence of a member named ‘oceanside’, and we’re all getting excited to try this Lavoris for ourselves.
    In the least, the site might offer you hope and a friendly atmosphere of others with this god forsaken problem.
    To get back on topic, I also had a lot of tonsil stones in highschool. It was embarrassing and disgusting when making out with my girlfriend, one of these stones would become dislodged.. They never went into her mouth thank god, but it certainly bothered me! I recall having some enormous stones back then .. Perhaps puberty had a part in it.. I continue to have stones now, but they are smaller and occur less frequently.
    If you got your tonsils removed, the stones will go away (assuming there aren’t other secret ‘crypts’ in your mouth that are producing these foul foes),, though unfortunately, this won’t necessarily solve your bad breath problem..
    The future seems somewhat bleak for those with bad breath.. But there will be a cure sometime eh? Just hang in there.. read around and try some different things.. There has to be some merit in some of the products out there.. So don’t give up yet! ^-^

  53. babs says :

    oh my god, i havent laughed so hard in years. i called my daughter (who gets the same disgusting things at times) to tell her about this websight. i was laughing so hard, i couldnt talk when she answered the phone. she thought she was getting pranked. yes ive had these for most of my life, they may be stress related, diet related, lack of water related. but damn high time to get the tonsills removed. we have called them keeyarns for lack of a better word. disgusting, putrid, gagging and embarrassing for sure.

  54. Avalon says :

    I also have had these horrible little things in my throat in the past. I found mine were definately diet related and cheese was the main contributor. If I avoid cheese all together I have no problem but once I have eaten cheese I know that within a day I will have them back – Its worth it to do a process of elimination with foods before doing something as drastic as a tonsilectimy.

  55. Jeff says :

    Interesting – I’ve just noticed these recently although I’ve delt with them in the past, but mine don’t seem to smell. They only give me a “something stuck in the throat” feeling, and I pop them out with a bobby-pin..

  56. Jason says :

    I’ve seen a number of different women on different websites post that their tonsil stones went away during pregnancy. I’m wondering if anyone here can confirm that as well? It that’s true then it may shed some light on the cause. Pregnancy causes fairly considerable hormonal changes, so perhaps a hormone abnormality is a contributor? This includes hormones found in both sexes. I’m guessing most women also alter their diet and other lifestyle habits as well. It would be interesting to see if there are any common links.

  57. kh says :

    RE: pregnancy
    I am 8 months and have had the largest stones in 36 years during my pregnancy. The mucous membranes double in size during pregnancy (throughout the entire body). Though I have hayfever and lousy sinuses to boot, I am eating a great diet and drinking more water than ever, so you’ll have to draw your own conclusions. Many women like me also “stuff up” nose and sinus-wise Week One and it doesn’t clear until the baby is born, so while the condition may offer some hope for some it just made me worse.

  58. sarah says :

    ive started getting these disgusting “stones” really bad recently… before i’d get one rarely, white in colour. in the last few weeks though its gotten really bad..and they’ve gone a kind of greeney-off-white colour. i dunno what’s going on! my diet hasn’t change…only difference is i’m under a lot of stress at the moment… also, when i attempt to “pick them out”, i can’t find them…i can’t see anything no matter how long i spend poking around…anyone got any advice? would some sort of antibiotic help??

  59. Adrian says :

    ok i also have this problem dont you just love it when all day they bother you and they just dont come out i seem to have found the answer now ive consoled alot of friends and dentist’s about this and there is a answer…..removing your tonsils is silly as it wont solve it firstly go here then you get the kforce starter kit and enclude the nasal spray now i dont know these people nor do i work for them i am just giving you a answer to your problem its about $120 aussie dollars they deliver worldwide…….you can get this stuff from a dentist’s but not at the local shops guys its up to you where you get it from but that kforce seems to be the one that i chose and am telling you about so thats it start using the rinse drops and nasal spray and it should vanish
    google: Tonsiloliths and it will tell you all about this problem what it is what it does why it stinks anyway i gotta go im at work and prolly should do some work instead of sitting here looking up my issues and playing solitaire………oh and to the last post Streptococcus salivarius k12, a naturally occuring probiotic bacteria is what you need its a good fighting saliva for us but i guess we dont have it thats why we need to buy it link above

  60. Anonymous says :

    get a tonsillectomy and it will solve the tonsillith problem 🙂

  61. Dawn says :

    Wow, I’m not alone! I’ve had these putrid little buggers for about a year now and also thought I was the only one who had them. I’ve been too embarrassed to tell anybody about them. I dig them out when I feel something at the back of my throat with a little dental tool with a curved edge I’ve had for ages. Sometimes I can’t get them out but I can see them, which is frustrating. They really do smell like death.

  62. Tom says :

    I suffered from tonsil stones for years. 3 in each tonsil so at times I would have 6 of these putrid things in my mouth.
    The only permanent cure is to have your tonsils removed.
    Meanwhile if you use the handle of your toothbrush to depress the tonsils and remove the stones then gargle every day with Hydrogen Peroxide they will not re appear. But take the plunge and get those tonsils out.

  63. robin says :

    use this stufff…..i have used it for months now and haven’t seen a tonsil stone since …you have to gargle with it before you brush ur teeth–do it every day.
    it seriously works…i think because it kills so much bacteria since it has some sort of bleach in it. i heard this stuff cleans better than some household cleaning chemicals.
    granted, i still get strep throat but not tonsil stones!!! 🙂

  64. human being says :

    I also hav ’em and so does my mother. I’m not obsessed with it. It evidently has something to do with post nasal drip. No, I refuse to get my tonsils removed, as I prefer sore throats than full on flu. Yep, my oliths do stink, but it hasn’t really affected my love-life. Just need to brush regularly, and floss too, and carry some gum. Note that most people, after all the coffee and tea they drink have bad breath by the middle of the day.
    The body has a way of taking care of problems. t-oliths are just our body’s way of preventing a bigger problem. S’pose, I’ll go get a post-nasal drip remedy and listerine whitening mouthwash.
    At least it’s not cancer or HIV.

  65. Donny says :

    hello, i agree completely with just about everything here, tea probably makes it worse, makes sense with me, and it makes sense with the tonsil thing, everything does, the self conscious thinking… “is it only me?” ya know, cool. 😛

  66. Donny says :

    hello, i agree completely with just about everything here, tea probably makes it worse, makes sense with me, and it makes sense with the tonsil thing, everything does, the self conscious thinking… “is it only me?” ya know, cool. 😛

  67. candy says :

    I’m using a neti pot – saw it recommended on a website as a cure for post nasal drip and as a solution to this tonsil stones problem. I’ve only been using it for a couple of months but I have noticed an improvement already.

  68. Anonymous says :

    I suffered from this for years, getting your tonsils removed is the only way to go.

  69. Beth says :

    Until 2 years ago, i had only one of these “shit balls” as my family members so nicely refer to them, but for some reason, summer of 2005 brought on a continuous flow of these, I was 27. I have had allergies and sinus issues for over ten years and nothing. I’ve never had strep, and tonsilitis only 2 or 3 times my whole life. I have nothing to link these things to. In two years I haven’t been a week or two w/o getting another one, it’s driving me crazy. I use the flashlight/qtip thing, but I am worried that that is not really safe. I have never and do not now have a bad breath problem, but after reading all these comments, I’m worried that it’s going to get worse and the bad breath is only to come. I WILL NOT TOLERATE BAD BREATH. I’m glad to hear all the suggestions, but now a little worried that this is going to get worse. The “shit balls” won’t make me go through having my tonsils removed, but you better believe if my breath gets bad, those dang tonsils will be gone pecans.

  70. TJ Mackey says :

    I am so glad this page exists, I’ve spent years trying to figure these things out. I went to my GP about it once and he put it down as a “water infection”, in all fairness this is the same man who recommended smoking for stress relief. I always seemed to get these things just a week before getting sick, I always thought it was my body’s way of warning me of impending illness.

  71. michelle says :

    hi i have these too.
    i have never had them before until i developed a cold a number of weeks ago and now i have one again and since that time they have not stopped rolling out. i hate it, it makes me feel sick to think of them even being there. its actually making me quite paranoid, i cant stop thinking about whether they are there or not. i have tried avoiding hard foods that could possible get stuck and after reading this im going to avoid dairy and bread i think, at least until they start going away. but over the past few weeks i have only been eating fruit and soft foods, besides yoghurt. i really want these too go away. i have also been gargling salt water after every meal so hopefully that will help.
    gahhh i hate them so much. they are disgusting.

  72. Bee says :

    How would you like to hear this all the time:
    “Did you just fart?” OMG!!! Yes, I would blame it on a “fart” but deep down inside I knew that it came somewhere beyond my bad breath, somewhere perhaps in the back of my throte!!
    But I just fortunately learned about these stones recently and I just removed not just stones but worse- a slimey form of stones that only intensifed this smell!! I read about “bad breath” and saw all of this info and I was abole to purchase this BreathRX and gargle w/salt wa and squeeze occasionaly which has changed my life!! Yes, I was dating and having relationships but it was really hard to kiss anyone and make love knowing that my breath not just reeked but smelled like poo!! I have so much confidence now – my life has changed!!

  73. syd says :

    I have had these things along with tonsillitis for a while now, and today I got them yet again, but it wasn’t bothering me as much as my sinuses and allergies so I went to the pharmacist and she recommended this sinus rinse: to clear all that stuff out so I could breathe better. It’s pretty much this salt water you squeeze up your nose that comes out the other nostril and mouth. I tried it and it flushed out that piece of crap in my tonsil, and i could breathe better. Next time try it and see if it works for you.

  74. Cudpash says :

    Heh, I too just discovered what these “breath seeds” (as my dad calls them) are. The little butt-heads stink like the dickens; it’s ridiculous.
    I don’t have them as intensely as some people do, apparently (I hear terms like “pea-sized” being thrown about…mine certainly aren’t that big. Generally seed-sized, or at biggest, the same size and shape as a Nerd candy). Even so, they show up once every couple of weeks to cause havoc, and it always feels like you have something in your throat.
    Also, why is it that we always, always have to smell them? It’s irresistable. We know they’re going to smell insanely funky and unpleasant, yet we take a whiff anyway…why? Perhaps we hope that, maybe, this one will have the delightfully subtle scent of an orange. Or maybe it’s more psychological–we created something with that strong of an odor.
    Anyhoo, I’ll have to try some of these mouthwash methods. Those little jerks are clearing out of my mouth.

  75. eric says :

    Hi folks. I know all about these nasty things. I wish that everyone who has shit breath could be informed as to what to do.
    Anyway, short of tonsillectomy, there is a solution. The Grossan device works very, very well. When you use it for the first time, you will be shocked at what comes out. SHOCKED.

  76. Nick says :

    Does anyone have a method for getting one of these things out that exists in an area of the throat that causes gagging when touched? I have one that is on the top of one of my tonsils and is hard to get to, which in turn causes me to gag. Any suggestions?

  77. ME TOO says :

    Me too! I have had these for years and thought I was the only one. I use to get them ALOT when I was young and in the night club scene. I found that it increased when I drank my favorite drink Kalua with milk. For me I think dairy products have something to do with it but I just use a q-tip and remove them as needed. They are really grose and Its crazy how you must smell them. I remember sneezing and having them fly out! YUCKY SHIT! Please keep me posted it you guys find any cure. I too use Listerine whitening and it has been working! Good luck fellow people.

  78. ME TOO says :

    Me too! I have had these for years and thought I was the only one. I use to get them ALOT when I was young and in the night club scene. I found that it increased when I drank my favorite drink Kalua with milk. For me I think dairy products have something to do with it but I just use a q-tip and remove them as needed. They are really grose and Its crazy how you must smell them. I remember sneezing and having them fly out! YUCKY SHIT! Please keep me posted it you guys find any cure. I too use Listerine whitening and it has been working! Good luck fellow people.

  79. ME TOO says :

    Me too! I have had these for years and thought I was the only one. I use to get them ALOT when I was young and in the night club scene. I found that it increased when I drank my favorite drink Kalua with milk. For me I think dairy products have something to do with it but I just use a q-tip and remove them as needed. They are really grose and Its crazy how you must smell them. I remember sneezing and having them fly out! YUCKY SHIT! Please keep me posted it you guys find any cure. I too use Listerine whitening and it has been working! Good luck fellow people.

  80. ME TOO says :

    Me too! I have had these for years and thought I was the only one. I use to get them ALOT when I was young and in the night club scene. I found that it increased when I drank my favorite drink Kalua with milk. For me I think dairy products have something to do with it but I just use a q-tip and remove them as needed. They are really grose and Its crazy how you must smell them. I remember sneezing and having them fly out! YUCKY SHIT! Please keep me posted it you guys find any cure. I too use Listerine whitening and it has been working! Good luck fellow people.

  81. notjustme! says :

    OMG! After 15+ years of dealing with this disgustingness I decided to use google tonight. I can’t believe there are so many of us out there dealing with this. As bad as I feel for all of you with, I’m so glad I’m not alone. Thanks for all the tips!!!

  82. Eric says :

    I use a dental syringe to clean them out. I fill it up, stick the syringe in the pocket and flush them out. I’ve tried other methods. This by far works the best. It is quick and effective. Here is a link to one I found online.,1567.html

  83. Jennifer says :

    This problem can be easily fixed by a tonsillectomy. My whole family produces these horrible things, and most of us have had our tonsils out. I had mine removed after suffering with it for years. I was 27 when I had surgery, and it was so easy. It was day surgery, and I was feeling pretty good after 48 hours. Since then, I no longer have that terrible taste in my mouth. Insurance should cover it. I had no trouble getting a surgeon to agree to removal. Good luck everyone.

  84. Anonymous says :

    I’ve had these things for at least 10 years now. They started after I had a really bad strep throat. I always felt so weird about it, like some sort of maniac, hiding in my room with a light-up magnifying mirror and trying to dislodge the things with a q-tip and a bobby pin. Then I found this weird little doodad that is supposed to be for popping zits. I don’t use it the same way, but just gently push them out with it because it’s smooth metal with very thick rounded edges at the end, and it does the trick. The only thing is, I don’t have them all the time. They just came back after about 6 months of not having them! It’s embarassing to say, but I smell mine after I take them out, especially if it’s a big one. Then I wash the hell out of my hands 🙁

  85. solidsol says :

    I haven’t laughed so much in quite a long time. It was just so depressing to me thinking I am the only one with this problem and no dentist can tell me how to get rid of it and thinking I am going to live alone for the rest of my life. I didn’t realize how bad my breath was until I would be with someone and they would look at me with a frown on their forehead or offer me some gum or mint and even place their hand over their nose. But now I just find it so funny even though it’s disgusting and it’s because all of your comments, it just reminds me of all the bad experiences I have gone through and it’s good to know there are people out there like me. Thank you all for the great info. I am really encouraged even though I haven’t been completely relieved of the problem yet, but the confidence level is up. Family and friends would be too embarrased to admit my problem. I found myself to be a recluse for the fear of offending someone. This site on it’s own has been a great medicine for me.

  86. Expat Turkey says :

    I am in Turkey and don’t have access to the Listorene remedy – by chance is there anybody there suffering with tonsiliths in Turkey who has found a cure?? Tonsilectomy isn’t an option for me.

  87. andy says :

    hi everyone!
    i noticed i had tonsil stones about 2 years ago(age 27). i was so shocked when i first found them! the smell of these things knocked me sick!! about the same time, i also realised i had bad breath. people i lived with commented on it.. if i spent any time in my bedroom, the room would smell bad. if i went out of the room for a period of time and came back in i could notice the oudoor my housemates were talking about.
    i can taste the foul taste of them all the time. when i get stronger flavours in my mouth, i know its time to harvests the little white devils(usually ever few days). it has become such a nightmare. even after i squeeze out all i can, i still have the taste of them.
    i have also had nasal drip for some years, and i am now at the stage where i have to clear my throat once every min. i find that if i have been drinking alcohol, my nasal drip becomes much worse the next day… i dont know what the connection is there? i have been on a nasal spray for about 6 months now, but the problem has not eased up.
    currently i am living in another house with one of my best friends, and he has mentioned to me about my breath directly. he says it is really strong, and asks if there isnt anything i can do about it. i spend a lot of time at home now (not wanting to go outside and meet people) and the whole flat now smells fairly rotten!! i keep the windows open in the flat as much as possible, but still the smell persists.
    i am so at my wits end!! as some of you said, i cannot see myself getting into anymore relationships. i avoid female contact at all cost now. this truly sucks! i do get approached by women when i am out occasionally, and when it happens i try and speak with my mouth to their ears. never facing them full on. after a min or so of painfully awkward conversation i run a mile! haha!!
    so anyway… 3 months ago i decided to ask my doctor to get my tonsils removed, and on monday morning, 7:30 am, i will be having the operation! (uk nhs) i dont know what the results will be, as i realise that nasal drip is a BIG factor with bad breath… but it will be one less thing to worry about thats for sure! god i hate those tonsil stones!! 🙂
    i aslo plan on trying to buy some sort of breath meter.. i am searching the net now for one. anyone recommend one?
    i will keep you posted on how the op goes, and whether i think it was worth it!!
    good luck with your own stories everyone!! i will drop a line next week after op!

  88. kurt says :

    Tonsiloliths, huh? I’ve been wondering what those things were called! Back in high school I used to have horrible breath at times. Then I discovered those disgusting little things at the back of my throat. Since then I’ve been able to keep the problem under control, but it is hard as hell to dislodge those things sometimes. For years I tried everything to pick, scrape, suck, pluck them from my throat. It often left me sore and bleeding, but I finally found an easy and painless solution that works great. This is going to sound stupid, but I now use either a spray bottle or water pistol. I expose the ‘stones’ with one finger, then flush the area with a blast of water. Hope this helps somebody!

  89. andy says :

    well its a few days after my tonsils op.. very sore when i eat but besides that, not too bad at all. ice cream and xbox all the way!! 🙂
    my breath checker came yesterday also. reads that my odours are mid to max levels right now… i will give a proper update once all is healed.

  90. Stu says :


  91. Rob says :

    Thank God for google!
    I had this periodically since I was a kid. I didn’t have a major reoccurance through most of my adulthood, then it came back with a vengence! I noticed I had bad breath myself and a really nasty taste in my mouth. I was shopping in the grocery store and sneezed and guess what came out? That’s right, those good old mouth boogers!
    When I was a kid, once I got rid of them they’d go away for a while. But this time that horrible smell persisted. I was clambering for gum whenever I was at work, the smell was just horrible.
    I did a couple of google searches and was surprised to find this condition had a name. I immediately tried to get rid of them by hacking them up. I must’ve hacked up 15-20 of those suckers!
    I immediately ditched my old toothbrush and went to the supermarket to find a good mouthwash. I bought some stuff called SmartMouth. I’ll keep you guys posted on how that works out.
    We can beat this thing!

  92. julie says :

    I have used a WaterPik to dislodge them. Similar to the dental syringe or water pistol. It seems to work without making me gag too much.

  93. angie says :

    Okay people stop getting flash lights toothpicks and q tips and whatever else you are using and go get your tonsils out! It’s nothing compared to living your life with those nasty white cottage cheese stinking balls popping out of your throat every day. I got mine out when I was 27 and it was hard for a couple of weeks, but it’s been 3 years and still haven’t had a problem and don’t have to worry about stinky breath and being embarassed and digging at my throat anymore

  94. rudy says :

    OMG! This site is awesome. I finally have a name for this condition. I already feel I’m getting closer to a solution, now that I can define the problem. My uncle had these cadaver scented “nerds” that he was constantly trying to harvest with a comb. My brother has it bad and we called it dragon breath, dragonitis or ass breath… I was under the impression that it was some kind of excess fat from my diet that went undigested and became rancid. Now I know that I’m dealing with putrid mucus snow balls from my tonsils. I always felt they came from somewhere deeper in my throut, but now I know where to look. I’m off to harvest the little bastards…

  95. Tired of Bad Breath says :

    This is wonderful to FINALLY know what the problem is! I am 41 and have had bad breath on and off for years. The insides of my cheeks have a white line (stress) where my teeth meet, and have that NASTY feeling of a small ball in your throat. I have been brushing, rinsing, flossing…but i think with the wrong stuff. My tongue is white and gross. I bought this tongue scraping system, which is gross when you scrape all the yeast or what up. When i drink red wine my tongue turns purple for 2 days! The tonsil warts are the worst. I am in the bathroom with a flashlight trying like heck to get my tongue down so i can see…i see them so i get the tongue scraper out and i gag when i get back that far. I think i will try some of the rinses if nothing works i am calling the ENt. I doubt they will take them out at my age. FOOD is tasting like crap. My son keeps saying to me “Mommy did you FART!” That is a sign something needs to be done, i am tired of chewing gum, spraying into my mouth all this stuff that doesn’t help the breath or the something stuck in your throat feeling! Good luck!

  96. Cant Believe you said that says :

    WHAT!!! Tonsil warts? I don’t have those. Maybe you should see someone. Sounds like you might have an STD?
    I am just now finding out what to call these bastards. For years I have called them either throat boogers or stinky balls. And I have read some talented posts on here, talking bout flexing their tonsil muscles?? How in the hell do you do that? I tried and sounded like I was dying, didn’t hack one up.
    I hate these things and I know about the sulphates just under the tongue, but I scrape my tongue till big pieces stick up like chuncks of tongue hairs. I have them all scraped forward looking, and by the end of the day I still feel like I have bad breath. I’ve thought about swishing with clorox. Reckon that would get rid of the supher compounds? (sulphates)
    Well I’m through ranting over these throat boogers and stinky balls. I can’t even believe after all these years, they finally wanna name the stinking little bastards!

  97. Cant Believe you said that says :

    OMG! I just had to listen to you all and go probe my tonsil with the back of my toothbrush only to have 2 stinky balls floating around on my tonsil, sliding everywhere mixed in my spit making it hard to catch!
    What to do with the SOB’s when you DO mash them out? I really didn’t want to get one on the brissles on my toothbrush, but that was my only option as I was running out of oxegen trying to figure out what to do with them, so I grabbed one and somehow the other one jumped over to my left tonsil!! I tried to catch it too but the smell was so horrible I started gagging and when you gag you have to do that whole swallow thing in order NOT to puke, so I SWALLOWED one of my stinky balls!! Man that pissed me off so bad I had to eat a xanax! I want these damn tonsils ripped out of my damn throat ASAP! That was toooo much! It’s unfortunate for us all, but I’m glad we’ve ALL got stinky balls! I was feeling like I was the only one with these deadly weapons!
    Anyway, good luck with your battle with the breath thing, hopefully someone will come up with a simple solution SOON! – Peace!

  98. jessa says :

    Wow, I never knew these had a name until today! I have gotten these only once in a while for probably 10 years or more and at first thought they were bile stones from my stomach coming up! (what else could smell so bad?) Fortunately, I don’t have chronic bad breath so it isn’t a real problem, only kind of weird. Anyway, I don’t think it is a medical disorder having anything to do with the sinuses or related to diet either. It’s simply mechanical. You have little crevices in your throat, things get stuck there and build up. Its like plaque on your teeth. You just have to clean them out every day. A few people have mentioned Water-piks or similar irrigation products. That sounds like a good method of hygiene and prevention.

  99. will says :

    I have had this condition for many years. I do use a flashlight + qtip method to get them out. However, this becomes a problem when I travel or stay at friends’ houses. Every time I take out the flashlight and q-tips, I get “Dude, what’s up with the flashlight?” questions. My breath is okay most of the time, but when it is bad, it is bad! I have used Therabreath products and I am going to continue doing so. However, my next year’s resolution is to remove the damn tonsils. I am 26 and I am done with them.

  100. 2Cute4BadBreath says :

    Well this was definitely fun to run across. I’ve actually related to some of the descriptions – flexing tonsil muscles and feeling like you’re trying to force yourself to swallow a piece of gum – from what I’ve read – I’m guessing if you have that gum feeling, it’s because you have post nasal drip?? I mostly just have trouble with one tonsil. In the past, I’ve waited til a chunk fell out – usually when I first wake up..and then kinda heavy breathe it up – not really hacking. Lately I’ve been enchanted with digging. I barely touched my tonsil a few days ago and 2 chunks popped out. woo hoo! I’ve been poking around the last couple days and only have gotten smelly mucus..but my tonsil is still swollen and ouchy – do you think it’s overworked or still full of yuck? I’m really starting to think about a tonsilectomy.. but some people on here have said it didn’t work! So – sorry for all the blah – but could people talk basic technique for tonsil diving (I currently just use q-tips) and the pro/con of getting tonsils out? Thanks!

  101. Embarrassed says :

    Before getting a tonsillectomy, note that STEAMING is a very effective and safe way to remove your tonsiloliths.
    Before going to bed:
    1.) Boil some water.
    2.) Pour the water and some salt into a flat dish or pan.
    3.) Breath the steam in through your nose for at least five minutes. To make the steam more effective, cover your head and the dish with a towel. BE CAREFUL NOT TO BURN YOURSELF WITH THE STEAM OR THE HOT WATER.
    4.) The steam will loosen the hyper-sticky loliths and you should be able to hack them out the next morning.
    You can do this again in the morning if your loliths happen to be very stubborn. This is a very common remedy for sticky mucus, which I believe tonsiloliths are.

  102. WENT TO ENT says :

    Well i went to the ENT he said that getting your tonsils out as an adult is VERY PAINFUL and NOT recommended. I got the Therabreath stuff and it seems better but not gone. I looked up oral cancer..hypo that i am and said to check for lumps or white or red on tongue or cheek. Put your index finger in your mouthand thumb on the outside and feel for any lumps in your cheek or gum. I FEEL THEM. Now i am freaked i have oral cancer and calling the dentist. I haven’t smoked for years, but i do drink moderately and that is a causing factor. Who knows if those lumps have always been there, they feel like fatty tissue. Does anyone else have them???

  103. Mouth Nerds says :

    I’m devastated/relieved. i am terrified of bad breath and can barely stand to be around someone who has it. then i discovered i have these stinky mouth nerds and that they smell like other peoples bad breath. then i thought OMG WHAT IF MY BREATH SMELLS LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME!!! I saw one or two over a couple of years and was always very upset every time these horrible things came out. then they started becoming more frequent around the time i met my husband. Through a series of awkward conversations we discovered that we both suffer from this affliction. it’s horrible. i’ve had cancer and stinky mouth nerds and i gotta tell you, i’d take the cancer over them any day.

  104. Gary says :

    I’ve been dealing with these nasty critters for a couple years now. Like someone mentioned above, the first time one shot of my mouth (upon sneezing) I almost freaked! Thought I was falling apart, but then I smelled it and REALLY got worried! I let it slide for quite some time and finally asked a doc during a physcial I had to have for a job. She told the techincal term for it and I researched it a bit, but didn’t come up with any solutions. I just found this forum today because I’ve been getting the little guys more often lately. I think I’m on the road to getting my tonsils out because it’s just too much maintenance and one never knows when one may just fly out (especially if you’re speaking to someone..YIKES!). I usually dig them out with a sterile q-tip and end up gagging myself in the process. So I have to see what my insurance will cover because no one should have to deal with this. And all this time I thought I was the lucky kid who didn’t have to have his tonsils out!
    Thankfully, my wife doesn’t mind them and tells me when she catches a hint of the foulness festering in my mouth. That’s when I dig out the q-tips!
    Good luck to all with this problem. I’m fighting the battle with ya!

  105. Gary says :

    I’ve been dealing with these nasty critters for a couple years now. Like someone mentioned above, the first time one shot of my mouth (upon sneezing) I almost freaked! Thought I was falling apart, but then I smelled it and REALLY got worried! I let it slide for quite some time and finally asked a doc during a physcial I had to have for a job. She told the techincal term for it and I researched it a bit, but didn’t come up with any solutions. I just found this forum today because I’ve been getting the little guys more often lately. I think I’m on the road to getting my tonsils out because it’s just too much maintenance and one never knows when one may just fly out (especially if you’re speaking to someone..YIKES!). I usually dig them out with a sterile q-tip and end up gagging myself in the process. So I have to see what my insurance will cover because no one should have to deal with this. And all this time I thought I was the lucky kid who didn’t have to have his tonsils out!
    Thankfully, my wife doesn’t mind them and tells me when she catches a hint of the foulness festering in my mouth. That’s when I dig out the q-tips!
    Good luck to all with this problem. I’m fighting the battle with ya!

  106. Stephen says :

    I’m seventeen, and I’ve been coughing these things up for at least the past year without knowing what they were. And I never noticed anything strange in my mouth either. At one point I brought one in to show my doctor and when they sent it to the lab, they found tonsil tissue in it (how they figureed that out, I’ll never know). They said I might consider getting my tonsils removed, but as I wasn’t sick or anything, I opted not to. I guess that should have been a tip-off, but not until a few days ago did I actually notice the white lump in my mouth, on my right tonsil. I used one of those metal picks like the dentist uses to get it out, and today i dislodged the biggest one yet…maybe that’s why I haven’t seen any of these tonsilloliths in the past few months.

  107. crazy person says :

    Well ive had these for a long time my mommy gets them too. they just come up every once in a while. i just cough them up

  108. kaitlin says :

    i’ve got one right now and though i can usually dislodge them with a q-tip, this one retracts into the cavity when i poke at it…any ideas?

  109. Tyrone says :

    This is great. I always wondered what these things were. I typically get them when I have nasal drip or lots of sinus congestion. Simply hack it up when I smell funky breath starting to emerge.

  110. Anonymous says :

    ive had a few over the fast few years, but at the moment ive been kinda ill and had loads. I was petrified i would have to go to the doc and show one of these stinky things to him, thankfully i found this site first, haha. Anyway, I feel alot better knowing im not the only one out there who has to deal with things that smell like poo coming out of my mouth!! I guess the debate is on as to whether i should have my tonsils out or just do my own weekly surgery! Anyway thanks guys!

  111. Suze says :

    I get these once in a while, due to allergies and post-nasal drip. I’d really recommend
    a)using a Neti Pot (a little teapot like device that you use to rinse your sinuses out with saline water)–and also gargaling with warm salt water. This naturally kills bacteria which accumulates in your sinuses and throat.
    b)I’ve noticed that since I’ve been eating more whole grain foods and vegetables, and less meat and sugar that I rarely get these. I also drink a lot of kombucha, a fermented tea that binds up toxins in your body. I don’t know if this helps. Anyone know?

  112. Z says :

    I get them when I eat Cool Ranch Doritos.
    No, thats not a joke, and I’ve noticed it on repeated occasions.

  113. JILL says :


  114. Sherry says :

    My seven year old son has the worst smelling breath–smells like a horse stable. I don’t know if he’s ever had the stones or not because he has had tonsils and adenoids removed. From what I can remember, he never had this problem with his breath until after the operation! Anyone have any idea?

  115. paul says :

    I have had these for going on 2 years now. From what I’ve been told by medical personel in the military, if you have acid reflux (like I do) then you are more prone to getting them. I have one come out of my tonsil cavity about every couple weeks or so. The best way to get rid of them Ive found is take a q tip and wiggle them loose and they fall out. Just a tip for anyone else that has them!

  116. Poppy says :

    Oh my. All of these posts have been so unbelievably reassuring (that I’m not the only one with this stink balls) and incredibly, outrageously funny. I haven’t had such a good laugh in ages. I also do not know why we must smell the balls, but smell them we must. It’s compelling.
    I didn’t even know they came from our tonsils – like someone else here, I felt they came from deeper in my throat. But I followed the advice here and got the torch (the Aussie version of the flashlight) and sure enough, there one was. After some gagging, I have succeeded in squirting the ball of disgustingness out of its hole. I looked at the entry in Wikipedia, and they have some good suggestions for preventing them (not sure if they work … Wikipedia I know can have dodgy info), but they said try gargling with apple cider vinegar, or salt water, regularly.
    Thanks everyone for making me feel better, and giving me a mighty good laugh!!

  117. Poppy says :

    Further to previous post, I used a syringe with a curved end (I was given it when I had my wisdom teeth out to squirt disinfectant into the holes where my wizzies used to be – I think you can get them from the chemist), and squirted the bugger out with plain water.

  118. kewl says :

    I could relate with them stories, and I feel the same as you people. glad to have found this site.
    I have also noticed to have some specialized stink glands under my tongue, they look like swollen tongue hair, what could these be?

  119. Anonymous says :

    i want to collect them and put them in a little container so i can make one huge stinky.

  120. damo says :

    me and my mate always thought they were bits of , old crunchy penut butter in your mouth,
    Until i had one jammed in the crater, i ended up sticky taping a nail to a pen and hooked it out.
    I also found if you squash them they stink soooo much more,
    ..I had one the other day and i squashed it and rubbed it on a fake flower leaf. and made the boys i work with smell it.. THe looks on there face was gold.
    They asked me what it was ,but i just told them i didnt know.
    You see as evil as these white shitballs are, you can have fun with them.

  121. Ms O says :

    I’ve been getting these for a couple of years now and HATE them! I usually pick them out with tweezers. I can’t use the q-tip or flush the holes with a medicine dropper because I will throw up if one of those things gets free in my mouth.
    I’m considering having my tonsils taken out to get rid of them. I can’t stand it anymore.

  122. momma says :

    i have only had this problem for a few months now and must say i don’t like it one bit. when i get that nasty taste in the back of my throat i run to a mirror and try to remove the problem as quick as i can w/ a q-tip. but that doesnt always work and i’m left for days w/ these things stuck there. and i must say when i am talking to someone and they have bad breath (smells like tonsil stones) i just think i know what your problem is.

  123. Josh says :

    I’m 16, and I’ve been having these ever since I can remember…but recently, ive been coughing up a lot more and now i seem to have the feeling in the back of my throat that somethings lodged back there. Well, yesterday I went to my ENT, and we set up a date to have my tonsils removed, so hopefully now I can have peace. I’ll let ya’ll know how that goes.

  124. Olivia says :

    I’m also determined to stop these tonsil stones from forming on the sides of my mouth. After reading all these posts, I think that I’ll try the Listerine whitening first. It seems like the easiest and cheapest regimen that I can stick with. If it doesn’t work, I will definitely try nasal sprays and quit drinking caffeine. Anyway, I’m glad I found this site because at least I realized that I can squezze these nasty thing out as soon as they form, which is every 2or 3 days, yuk. Besides,I think that one way or another, I will figure a way to stop them for good.

  125. Slob says :

    I used to collect these at one point! its interesting how they harden and shrink when you set them aside..see for yourself!

  126. Choy says :

    Wanna see them flourish? Eat alot of pasta, chinese food, onion, and garlic!!!! I LOVE poking them out! Wohoooooo

  127. Sherri says :

    Here is something I just found….
    Bad Breath, Sour/Bitter Metallic Tastes & Dry Mouth
    Their relationship to Post Nasal Drip, Mucous, Sinus Problems, Tonsils and Tonsiloliths
    The bacteria which cause bad breath and sour/bitter/metallic tastes are anaerobic sulfur-producing. Their goal in life is to break down the proteins in foods that we eat. However, under certain conditions, they will start to break down proteins in mucous and phlegm.
    Therefore, those people who suffer with post nasal drip, sinus problems, etc are more prone to bad breath and lousy tastes because the bacteria will start to extract sulfur compounds from the amino acids that make up these proteins.
    Scientifically, they “love” the amino acids Cysteine and Methionine, which are common to mucous (and phlegm) and also in dairy foods. In fact, many people notice that when they drink too much milk or eat too much cheese they end up with more mucous or phlegm in their throat. This is a natural reaction for many people and unfortunately, ends up causing more bad breath and lousy taste.
    If you still have your tonsils, you may be harboring a higher number of the bacteria which can lead to an “interesting” and misunderstood phenomenon, called TONSILOLITHS. Literally, they are “tonsil stones” produced by the conglomeration of mucous draining down the back of the throat and Volatile Sulfur Compounds produced by the bacteria which easily end up in the “nooks and crannies” of the tonsils, every time one swallows.
    Here’s a home therapy told to me my many of my patients. They claim it works wonders in overcoming this annoying and troubling problem:
    1. They create the AktivOxigen Solution by using 1-2 of the AktivOxigen tablets and placing them in the 8 oz. bottle that comes with it. They then add plain tap water.
    2. They swallow 1-2 capfuls during the day. Some say it works best 1st thing in the morning, others say it works best right before bedtime – to avoid morning breath. Others do it during the day.
    Because the oxygenating solution passes directly over the subjected area, they feel a cleansing action, that they could not otherwise get by rinsing or gargling.
    To order AktivOxigen tablets, click here

  128. simone says :

    Hello eveyone. I saw the dalast the message and wonder if am too late for anyone to help me out. First of all sorry for the length of my message.
    As a child around 13years I have had tonsil problem. So frequent that my parents changed my doctors cause they felt I wasn’t getting help.It was very painful, that I too get upset stomach if I look in my throat when they are swollen, especially with the collection of puss.Its no fun when I have to be in the emergency room at 2-3 in the morning cause of difficulty breathing repeatedly, high fever,back-neck ache etc. Antibiotic, i grew up with them and end up getting a few injection in the process too (penicillin).I even got a letter to see a specialist at age 16 but my parents were poor so I end up not going.Plus in my country its harder to get help. Time pass and Its just the same seeing doctors and taking medication throughtout my teen.
    Now presently at age 21 soon to be 22,here in the USA.It was 1 year and a half since I had swollen tonsil. Since then I am facing another problem. Tonsiloliths( tonsil stone ).I pick them out,avoid all kind of spicy food and I dont drink alcohol at all. Take home remedies. Still they come back.From the begininng I know that these help to irritate tonsils.Of coarse i tried home remedies too.I realized early on I would have bad breath once a while.Honestly even my husband would ask how comes ? I floss everyday and brush often too.We both get regurlar check up at the dentist.So its not my teeth. I hate these little white-yellowish thing. Believe me Its the worst scent you can inhale from such tiny little hard abscess.
    My problem is I think I am developing bad breath.I chew on mint dailey and use mouth wash.I feel like my tonsils are damage now.I feel very uncomfortable.My teen life i suffer from tonsilities.I don’t want go on with this.So please can anyone help ? Give me some sort of te of answers.

  129. I hate them... says :

    I have had these for the past 2 years. I’m in my late 20’s and its traumatizing! I’m very self conscious about my breath. I’ve tried the Therabreath line of products and they have helped but have not gotten rid of them completely. I just got the SinuPulse Elite Sinus and Throat Irrigator (you can actually get it at Bed Bath and Beyond). I have read that tonsil stones are related to Post Nasal Drip and this system is supposed to help with that. The nasal cleanser is unpleasant. I felt like I was learning to swim and had inhaled the entire pool. But the throat irrigator was wonderful! It was really easy to do and got SO many of those nasties out of my throat! It doesn’t even feel like its doing anything but it really worked. Its supposed to help with blood flow in your tonsils making them healthier as well. Anyway, I hate those things and this is the first thing that I have seen that had such a dramatic effect on my problem. I hope this helps! Good luck! I know its stressful!

  130. Wes says :

    History: I’ve had these buggers for over 25 years. As a child, there were no odours associated. It wasn’t until I hit my mid 20s that the foul odour appeared.
    Symptoms: About 8 years ago, I noticed that anytime I drank water (unflavoured tapwater), it tasted differently. (in actuality, smelled differently) As a bartender at the time, I started using lemon in my drinks, and the problem was less noticeable.
    It was precisely at this time that black mold was discovered in my apartment, and after 3 bouts of pneumonia (and no help from the owners) I decided it was time to move. I also learned that my uvula was “elongated” and touching the back of my throat/tongue constantly. This means I am regularly clearing my throat and coughing, regardless of what I eat or drink. (I do not smoke). So I definitely feel that post-nasal drip (which is a stupid and poorly descriptive term) combined with some aspect of inflammation and/or diary (I love milk and strong cheese) seem to be the most indicative precursors. At least for me.
    Since that time, I am now prone to allergies, and can sense the onset of what I call the “platform” for tonsiloliths before the actual stones start ejecting. My throat feels “thick” and pasty and no amount of brushing (teeth, or tongue) gets rid of it. With a closed mouth, I open my throat muscles (a la shooter) and exhale through my nose. If tonsiloliths are forming (platform) the odour is immediately detectable. Again, mostly when I’ve had dairy before bed that it seems to occur.
    While I do still have my tonsils, I’ve dedicated myself to finding some way of relieving/avoiding this precuror stage which may prevent future liths from occuring.
    Solution: It’s temporary, but it beats the snot out of ordering expensive “solutions” online. Standard Hydrogen Peroxide 3.x% available from the drugstore for a few dollars.
    1 x capful of peroxide (oxygenating agent)
    1 x pinch of Baking soda (tissue solvent)
    1/2 cup water.
    Makes about 2-4 large mouthfuls.
    Mix thorougly, and gargle for a single breath/exhale. Spit. Repeat until gone. Alter the mix according to your personal tastes. And damn those who push “TheraBreath” for perpetuating the belief that you must pay to solve a common affliction. If you don’t like the taste, followup with a mouthwash rinse of your choice. Add mint. Whatever! However, I find the clean sensation left by the peroxide to be all the “taste” I want in my mouth!
    Now, when I say “gargle”, I don’t mean rinsing your mouth out. I mean literally, deep-throat gargling, that sounds like you’re drowning. With a mouthful, tip your head back, and make the lowest, deepest growl you can muster without choking on or swallowing the mix. This opens your throat and lets the mixture get deep. By thinning the mucous in your throat, you’ll find you often spit out a pre-tonsilolith sludge.
    Does it dry out the tissue? Sure.
    Does it burn? It can.
    Does it work? Try it.
    It doesn’t taste very good, and I certainly don’t recommend swallowing it. But using this mix just before bed, means I wake up without that horrid, putrid scent hanging in the back of my throat.
    Once the lith sludge has been cleared, I notice I can go a few days without needing to do it again. So there is definitely some buildup time, but the variables I haven’t been able to discern just yet. (I love food and “rack-a disciprine” ;o)
    It would be interesting to create a questionaire for those afflicted. Maybe we can find some common causes and indicators. Perhaps we all share something in our past that isn’t immediately apparent.
    Best of luck to us all!

  131. Kelly says :

    Has anyone heard if they could be caused by a yeast infection in your tonsils? I work in healthcare, a patient I know gets them horribly, her Md thinks they are a yeast infection and prescribed something for that. I wish I could remember the medicine.
    For what it’s worth, I never got them until I started working in healthcare. Don’t know if they are contagious, but I’d believe it!

  132. Wes. says :

    Yeast infection? Unsure to be honest. If that WERE the case, the round of antibiotics I had to go through for pneumonia would have had an effect. And they *did*, in that the bacteria seemed to go away (precisely the function of antibiotics), but came back soon after finishing.
    The meds may have worked for a short time, perhaps there was a residual bacterial presence that wasn’t being reached. Which then multiplied and caused a recurrance.
    Although, a oral candida/thrush lasting years, but never spreading anywhere else? It seems unlikely. But I’m no medic!
    Again, my specific “episodes” seem worse after drinking milk, or a rather specific brand of cheese (PC – 2 YR old Cheddar, 500-750g wedge). Other brands aren’t nearly as catalytic.
    I’ve taken to using Neti-pot nasal irrigation as well. The combined one-two punch of gargling w/ peroxide solution and sinus inflammation reduction (via water + salt + baking soda) allows me to sleep peacefully. (even though it increases my nightly routine by at least a half hour)
    Anyone else? (I don’t want this topic lost, so I bookmarked it ;o)

  133. Summer says :

    Ahahaha – just realized I had these today. I would often find these in my mouth and spit them out but I didn’t smell them until today when I was doing some research on tonsils (my throat has been annoying me for a few weeks now, so I took a peek at them and they seem a lot bigger than usual [which is pretty big as they are hypertrophied more than other people’s already]), and I also noticed the crypts. I didn’t know tonsils had crypts! I freaked me out as I thought I was growing tumors or some bug laid eggs in them or some other crazy thing. Haha
    So after I did some reading, I went to the bathroom and started poking around – lo and behold! Stones! Pulled 2 from one tonsil, none from the other (though one came out earlier today from that one). I decided that if the soreness in my throat doesn’t go away I’m going to have to give the doc a call. If it does subside, I’ll just mention it at my next physical.
    Meantime, I’ll have fun playing with my new toy (I love all things gross)!

  134. beener says :

    lol in jr. high school the kid that sat next to me coughed one up and spit on the floor. he was like, check it out!!! I looked down, and I was amazed at how FREAKING HUGE it was – looked exactly like a lima bean!! OMFG when he reached out with his foot and stomped on it, the whole classroom REEKED of “breath bean”… everybody was like PEWWW!!! one girl gagged and ran for the door like she was gonna hurl.. LOL thats when our teacher was like “alright, lets all go sit outside and get some fresh air” LOL we stayed out there for the rest of the period while the janitor mopped the floor. GOOD TIMES!
    I DO liek squishing em and sniffing em tho… that septic smell is irresistable….pew. lol

  135. ENT says :

    Back in 1980-90s never did hear of this or had it. Never saw one patient in the ENT clinic complaining of smelly cheese coming off.
    Zoom into 2004, I started getting it and it was certified dragon fire stench. Online info started trickling in.
    The symptoms we all have are similar. Then our gut response to blame on the diet, oral hygeine, days of the month and oneself all ring a familiar bell (hard on oneself). Doctors approach also looks universally the same reading the posts in this forum (they may have never been trained on it).
    If so, are we looking at a new infection of the tonsil? New disease? Something that is spreadable and affects only the tonsils? We take oral hygiene as our personal responsibility …but what if it is more than that?
    A note of concern: when we use tools on the tonsil to dislodge the liths, please note that any injury to tonsil may cause crypt bacteria and germs to spread into the bloodstream. This is dangerous. Check out “Sub-acute bacterial Endocarditis” (heart valve infection) caused from oral injuries.
    Also if having a bad bad sore throat and this is especially if in children, always see a doctor- may end up needing antibiotics for strep throat. Untreated could cause arthritis and heart valve problems.

  136. ENT says :

    Back in 1980-90s never did hear of this or had it. Never saw one patient in the ENT clinic complaining of smelly cheese coming off.
    Zoom into 2004, I started getting it and it was certified dragon fire stench. Online info started trickling in.
    The symptoms we all have are similar. Then our gut response to blame on the diet, oral hygeine, days of the month and oneself all ring a familiar bell (hard on oneself). Doctors approach also looks universally the same reading the posts in this forum (they may have never been trained on it).
    If so, are we looking at a new infection of the tonsil? New disease? Something that is spreadable and affects only the tonsils? We take oral hygiene as our personal responsibility …but what if it is more than that?
    A note of concern: when we use tools on the tonsil to dislodge the liths, please note that any injury to tonsil may cause crypt bacteria and germs to spread into the bloodstream. This is dangerous. Check out “Sub-acute bacterial Endocarditis” (heart valve infection) caused from oral injuries.
    Also if having a bad bad sore throat and this is especially if in children, always see a doctor- may end up needing antibiotics for strep throat. Untreated could cause arthritis and heart valve problems.

  137. ent says :

    Back in 1980-90s never did hear of this or had it. Never saw one patient in the ENT clinic complaining of smelly cheese coming off.
    Zoom into 2004, I started getting it and it was certified dragon fire stench. Online info started trickling in.
    The symptoms we all have are similar. Then our gut response to blame on the diet, oral hygeine, days of the month and oneself all ring a familiar bell (hard on oneself). Doctors approach also looks universally the same reading the posts in this forum (they may have never been trained on it).
    If so, are we looking at a new infection of the tonsil? New disease? Something that is spreadable and affects only the tonsils? We take oral hygiene as our personal responsibility …but what if it is more than that?
    A note of concern: when we use tools on the tonsil to dislodge the liths, please note that any injury to tonsil may cause crypt bacteria and germs to spread into the bloodstream. This is dangerous. Check out “Sub-acute bacterial Endocarditis” (heart valve infection) caused from oral injuries.
    Also if having a bad bad sore throat and this is especially if in children, always see a doctor- may end up needing antibiotics for strep throat. Untreated could cause arthritis and heart valve problems.

  138. Peter S. says :

    Wow great help. Didn’t realize what it was till I search google for “white goo on tonsils” I’m 32 and about 6 months ago realized somethings wrong when I spit out the this stuff. I just called my Doc and I feel I should be scheduling tonsillectomy, I’m just don’t know after my Doc telling me how painful this thing will be. My tonsils are already big and I get sick every year I think surgery in the long run will be great thing.

  139. Peter S. says :

    Wow great help. Didn’t realize what it was till I search google for “white goo on tonsils” I’m 32 and about 6 months ago realized somethings wrong when I spit out the this stuff. I just called my Doc and I feel I should be scheduling tonsillectomy, I’m just don’t know after my Doc telling me how painful this thing will be. My tonsils are already big and I get sick every year I think surgery in the long run will be great thing.

  140. Grace says :

    I just started noticing these things 8 months ago, but I could have had them long before that. I hate them so much. I am so sick of the maintenance and embarrassing halitosis. I get sore throats like every 2 months too. My mom got her tonsils out when she was a kid and she is legitimately never sick. She thinks I should get mine out. I noticed one commenter say that he had his tonsils out and yet he still gets tonsiloliths. That makes me nervous because if I really go through with the surgery I want the things GONE. Does anyone have any advice? Is the surgery worth it? I want to do it sooner than later since I know it is worse as you get older. Thanks.

  141. Anonymous says :

    I’ve had them since I was in high school, but they stopped coming back (now 30) since I’ve been on a strict gluten/dairy free diet 6 months ago . I definitely believe that it’s an allergic reaction to food and not food being stuck in the tonsils.

  142. W says :

    An update: I have been able to get rid of them for the time being, through strict gargling with strong salt/baking soda solutions, with a capful of peroxide thrown in per half-cup of water.
    It’s been months since I’ve detected that odour, but I have also limited my milk intake to almost nothing. Cheese to minimal. Overeating to minimal. More salads etc.
    I can’t say anything has worked particularly well, since I still get the odd tonsilolith half-formed when I gargle, however the sensation/smell is gone. Which leads me to believe in a strong bacterial presence, that once eradicated, may go a long way to helping.
    I’ve also found a strong mint flavoured toothpaste seems to sooth and help considerably before going to bed. (just avoid the nauseatingly strong variations)
    I’ve also started using a nasal spray (OTC) in the evenings to help my nasal passages open, which seems to lessen any problems swallowing/breathing.
    I don’t feel this is a disease, moreso a side-effect from possible allergies or trauma. The throat/passages constrict for whatever reason, causing dysphagia (difficulty swallowing correctly). This swelling, in turn, provides a place for bateria to collect, AND hinders our body’s ability to keep throat bacteria at bay.
    Of course, this is just a theory, but I keep coming here every few weeks to see if we’ve found any common symptoms.
    Best of luck to us all!

  143. mcfly says :

    hello, i’ve been laughing my ass off reading all of your comments, like so many i have this since high school and i didn’t know what it was until now. i went to a doctor back then, she told me i had acidic reflux because i didn’t crap often so i had to take lots of fiber and stuff, but that never helped, 5 years have passed and every time i go to a party and have a beer for example i can smell my own breath smelling pretty amazingly shitty, it also happens when i drink tea. It’s so amazing to read your comments, because back in high school i almost passed out from being so anxious about my breath, i could barely talk to anybody and because of anxiety i got a dry mouth so the stench was even more present and i became more anxious and so on. but now i’m laughing so hard with your comments, it’s like psychologically healing you know. well, i’m gonna start with the neti pot, we’ll see if that helps. take care

  144. Anonymous says :

    Having read through the thread I thought I would summarise what I believe to be the most likely cause and “cure”, based upon all of the available information here and other websites.
    The root cause is a strain of anerobic bacteria, perhaps one or all of the following Actinomyces viscosus, Streptococcus mutans and potentially Lactobacillus acidophilus and possibly more??
    If you don’t havean abundance of the particular strain(s) of anerobic bacteria in your mouth, you can eat cheese, milk and protein foods without any problems in my humble opinion.
    If you do have the strain(s) of anerobic bacteria then your only solution is to oxygenate your mouth on a regular basis, thereby destroying the anerobic bacteria. It is possible that routine oxygenation will allow you to consume cheeses and milk without anywhere near as many problems, although some people may prefer to eradicate both factors namely anerobic bacteria and protein foods.
    I would like to ask how many people here who are complaining of this problem with tonsil stones had dental work opon a cavity or a root canal (crown)? I feel that this may also be a significant factor.

  145. David says :

    Having read through the thread I thought I would summarise what I believe to be the most likely cause and “cure”, based upon all of the available information here and other websites.
    The root cause is a strain of anerobic bacteria, perhaps one or all of the following Actinomyces viscosus, Streptococcus mutans and potentially Lactobacillus acidophilus and possibly more??
    If you don’t havean abundance of the particular strain(s) of anerobic bacteria in your mouth, you can eat cheese, milk and protein foods without any problems in my humble opinion.
    If you do have the strain(s) of anerobic bacteria then your only solution is to oxygenate your mouth on a regular basis, thereby destroying the anerobic bacteria. It is possible that routine oxygenation will allow you to consume cheeses and milk without anywhere near as many problems, although some people may prefer to eradicate both factors namely anerobic bacteria and protein foods.
    I would like to ask how many people here who are complaining of this problem with tonsil stones had dental work opon a cavity or a root canal (crown)? I feel that this may also be a significant factor.

  146. W. says :

    In fact I have had dental work done. Both a root canal when I was 14 and a crown within the last 3 months.
    I’ve been experiencing luck since my last post. No further appearances. There was definitely an obstructed breathway though, and it caused difficulty swallowing at times.
    Regardless, the previously posted mixture is used whenever I detect that taste/odour. The strange thing is, it’s most effective when it gets almost up into the adenoid region (difficult with a simple gargle).
    I’m on an NSAID nasal inhaler to reduce inflammation, and the only time it actually DOES anything, is if I’m able to hang upside down, allowing the meds to drain into the appropriate area. I can instantly tell when it’s hit, because my sensation of both taste and smell are immediately affected (for the better)
    There may also be a biofilm factor, which is alot like a gelatinous supply/waste network for built-up bacteria. Until that sludge feeling is eliminated, and kept from re-forming, I continued to experience recurring tonsiloliths and bad tastes/smells.
    Now that it’s been gone for a few months, my nasal passages are starting to open again, and there are NO odours or tastes associated. This is huge, considering I’m 32, and have suffered for the last 10 years.
    I continue to believe this is a condition that can be managed, if only more research was being done to prevent something from “settling in” to those very protected areas. Even my voice has begun to return to normal.
    In summary, anytime I detect a possible recurrance:
    1) Neti Pot with hyper-saline (>0.9%) solution, baking soda and a few drops of OTC decongestant. Generic “Life” brand works just fine.
    2) Allergy meds did NOTHING. Ever. Nor Asthma inhalers. Nor GERD meds. Nor the ENTs diagnosis of “It’s all in your head”, and “collapsed nasal valve” requiring surgery.
    3) Gargle at least once before bed, very well. Use the solution posted previously (w/ peroxide or plain, chilled, soda water) Do it in the shower. And gargle like Pavarotti. No worries of cleanup this way.
    4) If given meds, the sheer act of inhaling doesn’t always reach the needed areas. Don’t be afraid to hang off a bed if needed.
    5) Be patient. It took MONTHS for anything to work, and I had given up many times in the past. But keep in mind if you have these things, there’s a bacteria present (sulphur smell/taste) and these little balls of sludge which need to be taken care of before any antiseptic solution can do it’s job. If you quit before all traces are gone, you risk recurrance.
    6) Your body is remarkably adept at recovering. In fact, that is it’s sole purpose. Once the passages are clear, any swelling associated with coughing, throat clearing etc. tends to lessen over time.
    7) Avoid constant clearing of the throat. It creates more mucous, and the cycle repeats. Good ole saliva is best for both your throat and heartburn (saliva is very slightly alkaline @ 7.4ish Ph). So resist the temptation, and find hard, UNSWEETENED things to suck on. Yes, yes. Hahah. Pure Licorice *shivers* isn’t a favorite, but would work nicely for it’s anise/mint-like aftertaste.
    This can and does go away. But it requires diligence. Like if you’ve ever had a plantar’s wart on the sole of your foot. It can take years to go away on it’s own, but suspiciously, after multiple doses of pure aloe, it tends to disappear in 2-4 months. The association wouldn’t normally be made because of time passing, but it’s definitely worth a closer look.
    Best of luck to us all!

  147. dahkrahb says :

    I have had this problem since I was about 7 or 8 years old. Back then, I would cough these things up. Sometimes they would be small, sometimes huge. Like many of you, I just found out yesterday that these things have a name. By the way, I’m 46 now, and I still deal with these cursed things. I think post nasal drip and diet are two important causes of these things. Like most of you, I too have been ashamed of the bad breath. Also, like many of you, I thought this only happened to me. Reading these posts has been quite therapeutic. I usually have to do what I call “oral surgerey” every day. I am considering tonsil removal. How wonderful would it be to be able to kiss my wife and not feel that annoying “stone” in the back of my throat. Thanks everyone. Good Luck to you all.

  148. Nurhusien says :

    I do also had similar probl for almost a year unergoing various antibiotics treatment but no response. Dear friends does any body have got additional complication to the lips mainly lower part, appearing whitish over surface and rough especially when water touches and with some burning pain?? i am now more embarrased with it than the stone over the tonsil.
    thanks inadvance

  149. Claire says :

    No way! Are these the stinky little white/yellow things that come up in your mouth? I always thought they were decaying food or brought up bile or something.

  150. kathy says :

    I had these since i was like 7 and now i still have them and im 13! I thought i was the only one who had this until i decided to google it!!

  151. oliver says :

    is this forum thread still going?
    I’ve had these things since i was in year 5 (UK) and still have them now in Year 8 and I flemmed one up before. These little solid bad breath (as my dad calls them) are horrible to cough up, but I havnt had the chance to smell one yet because I have a cold. My dad sometimes calls me shit breath and says “Have you brushed your teeth yet?” and I brush my teeth 2 times a day so I was always wondering was it the food I eat which makes my breath smell. Anyway I searched up ‘what are the white things which come up when I flem’ on google, and came across this thread on a forum.